Submission #994346

Source Code Expand

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.TreeSet;

public class Main {
	InputStream is;

	int __t__ = 1;
	int __f__ = 0;
	int __FILE_DEBUG_FLAG__ = __f__;
	String __DEBUG_FILE_NAME__ = "src/F2";

	FastScanner in;
	PrintWriter out;
	int MOD = 1_000_000_007;
	long ADD(long a, long b) { 
		return (a + b) % MOD;
	long SUB(long a, long b) { 
		return (a - b + MOD) % MOD;

	long MULT(long a, long b) {
		return (a * b) % MOD;

	long POW(long a, long x) {
		long res = 1;
		for ( ; x > 0; x >>= 1) {
			if (x % 2 == 1) res = MULT(res, a);
			a = MULT(a, a);
		return res;
	long DIV(long a, long b) {
		return MULT(a, POW(b, MOD - 2));
	/* end */

	int MAX = 310;
	public void solve() {
		int N = in.nextInt(), M = in.nextInt();
		long[] fact = new long[MAX];
		fact[0] = fact[1] = 1;
		for (int i = 2; i < MAX; i++) {
			fact[i] = MULT(fact[i-1], i);
		long[][][] dp = new long[M+1][N+1][N+1];
		dp[0][1][0] = 1;
		for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
			for (int j = 1; j <= N; j++) {
				for (int k = 0; k <= N; k++) {
					if (dp[i][j][k] == 0) continue;
					dp[i+1][j][k] = ADD(dp[i+1][j][k], MULT(dp[i][j][k], k));
					if (j + k <= N)
						dp[i+1][j+k][0] = ADD(dp[i+1][j+k][0], MULT(dp[i][j][k], j));
					if (k + 1 <= N)
						dp[i+1][j][k+1] = ADD(dp[i+1][j][k+1], MULT(dp[i][j][k], N - j - k));
	public void run() {
		if (__FILE_DEBUG_FLAG__ == __t__) {
			try {
				is = new FileInputStream(__DEBUG_FILE_NAME__);
			} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
		} else {
			is =;
		in = new FastScanner(is);
		out = new PrintWriter(System.out);

		Thread t = new Thread(null, new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
		}, "lul", 1 << 30);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new Main().run();

	public void mapDebug(int[][] a) {
		System.out.println("--------map display---------");

		for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) {
				System.out.printf("%3d ", a[i][j]);


	public void debug(Object... obj) {

	class FastScanner {
		private InputStream stream;
		private byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
		private int curChar;
		private int numChars;

		public FastScanner(InputStream stream) { = stream;
			//stream = new FileInputStream(new File(""));


		int read() {
			if (numChars == -1)
				throw new InputMismatchException();
			if (curChar >= numChars) {
				curChar = 0;
				try {
					numChars =;
				} catch (IOException e) {
					throw new InputMismatchException();
				if (numChars <= 0)
					return -1;
			return buf[curChar++];

		boolean isSpaceChar(int c) {
			return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == -1;

		boolean isEndline(int c) {
			return c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == -1;

		int nextInt() {
			return Integer.parseInt(next());

		int[] nextIntArray(int n) {
			int[] array = new int[n];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
				array[i] = nextInt();

			return array;

		int[][] nextIntMap(int n, int m) {
			int[][] map = new int[n][m];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				map[i] = in.nextIntArray(m);
			return map;

		long nextLong() {
			return Long.parseLong(next());

		long[] nextLongArray(int n) {
			long[] array = new long[n];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
				array[i] = nextLong();

			return array;

		long[][] nextLongMap(int n, int m) {
			long[][] map = new long[n][m];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				map[i] = in.nextLongArray(m);
			return map;

		double nextDouble() {
			return Double.parseDouble(next());

		double[] nextDoubleArray(int n) {
			double[] array = new double[n];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
				array[i] = nextDouble();

			return array;

		double[][] nextDoubleMap(int n, int m) {
			double[][] map = new double[n][m];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				map[i] = in.nextDoubleArray(m);
			return map;

		String next() {
			int c = read();
			while (isSpaceChar(c))
				c = read();
			StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
			do {
				c = read();
			} while (!isSpaceChar(c));
			return res.toString();

		String[] nextStringArray(int n) {
			String[] array = new String[n];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
				array[i] = next();

			return array;

		String nextLine() {
			int c = read();
			while (isEndline(c))
				c = read();
			StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
			do {
				c = read();
			} while (!isEndline(c));
			return res.toString();

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task F - Road of the King
User hiro116s
Language Java8 (OpenJDK 1.8.0)
Score 0
Code Size 5438 Byte
Status MLE
Exec Time 940 ms
Memory 289348 KB

Judge Result

Set Name sample all
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 0 / 1000
AC × 3
AC × 10
MLE × 3
Set Name Test Cases
sample sample-01.txt, sample-02.txt, sample-03.txt
all sample-01.txt, sample-02.txt, sample-03.txt, 01-01.txt, 01-02.txt, 01-03.txt, 01-04.txt, 01-05.txt, 01-06.txt, 01-07.txt, 01-08.txt, 01-09.txt, 01-10.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
01-01.txt AC 100 ms 8400 KB
01-02.txt AC 97 ms 8436 KB
01-03.txt AC 98 ms 8436 KB
01-04.txt AC 103 ms 9976 KB
01-05.txt AC 111 ms 8788 KB
01-06.txt AC 225 ms 40544 KB
01-07.txt AC 806 ms 228496 KB
01-08.txt MLE 940 ms 289348 KB
01-09.txt MLE 845 ms 288940 KB
01-10.txt MLE 916 ms 287896 KB
sample-01.txt AC 96 ms 8432 KB
sample-02.txt AC 384 ms 69464 KB
sample-03.txt AC 368 ms 143832 KB